Saturday, July 10, 2010

Run Your Car On Water

Can Water Really Power A Car?
I Mean, Is This For REAL?

The answer is YES! However there is a small caveat: 100% water cars will take probably tens of years to be produced on a large scale. The current available method is still using gasoline or diesel fuel...

Water is a supplement to gasoline or diesel fuel that increases mileage tremendously.
SimpleWaterFuel will show you how to use a little electricity our of your car battery, to separate water into a gas called "HHO". HHO means 2 parts Hyrogen and 1 part Oxygen.

HHO is also called Brown's Gas or Hydroxy. It's a gas that burns beautifully, providing HEAPS of energy and the end product is just water! In fact Mobile Magazine said: "HHO provides the atomic power of Hydrogen, while maintaining the chemical stability of water."

This technology is already running in many cars. We have had water-to-energy converters running in our vehicles since 2006.

HHO gas is 3 times more potent than gasoline. This is a fast growing trend for boosting performance and mileage.

Check Out This Video To See The Power Of HHO:
(It's THREE Times More Potent Than Gasoline!)

Denny Klein is using water to power up his tool for burning metal, at a heat higher than the surface of the Sun(!) He discovered that he can use the same technology to make a car run exclusively on water.

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